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What is CBD?

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CBD (Cannabidiol) is a potent, non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in hemp oil. It is typically extracted from industrial hemp plants that are naturally high in CBD and other phytochemicals. It is the most prevalent of over 80 different cannabinoids found in natural hemp. It is commonly used for its therapeutic properties. Cannabidiol is responsible for a wide range of positive health benefits through its interaction with the body’s own endocannabinoid system.

Mental Health
Cannabidiol promotes a healthy state of mind and general stress reduction. Relax and de-stress naturally with CBD.

THC University

General Health
Cannabidiol safely promotes natural relief and good health, helping improve wellness by supporting your internal recovery and healing processes.

Restores Balance
Cannabidiol helps promote and restore balance to the endocannabinoid system. CBD, a powerful phytocannabinoid, interacts synergistically with the body’s own EC receptors.

Organic & Pure
CBDPure oils are made with non-GMO hemp, grown in Colorado by local farmers. Our hemp oil is minimally processed by following the highest organic standards at every step of our growing, harvesting, and bottling process. When you buy a CBDPure product, you are buying the purest CBD oil from natural sources, that is 100% free of any synthetic or artificial ingredients. We test every batch of oil that we process to ensure that it meets the purity standards that we demand.

Safe and Effective
CBDPure products are trusted by holistic health professionals and by health-conscious people everywhere. Our products have been made using the purest, highest quality ingredients and backed by the wisdom and principles of time-honored herbal remedies.

CBDPure Hemp Oil Extract
100% Organically Grown Hemp – Certified Pure



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