Internationally Renowned Canine Philanthropist Ecco D’Oro Dies


Ecco ready for the opera

Canine Philanthropist Ecco D’Oro

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Ecco pictured with his stuffed prototypes

Ecco D’Oro with Eccolinis

THC University
Ecco receives a thank you from a child in Colorado.

Letter to Ecco from a child

World famous Canine Philanthropist GCH Sweetbriars Ecco DOro JH “Ecco” died on October 24, 2020 after a short battle with an aggressive cancer.

When you care…and share…life can take you ANYWHERE!”

— Ecco D’Oro

SMITHFIELD, VA, USA, October 25, 2020 / — Ecco, a Spinoni Italiano, was best known as the “naughty dog with the big heart” after he reached social media fame from his not-so-stellar but laughable antics.

What started as a simple Facebook page turned into a journey that can only be described as mind boggling.

“When I posted pictures of Ecco, more times than not, he was in some kind of trouble”, recalls his owner, Amy Havens. “Instantly, he became a global internet sensation. Ecco’s personality was so human that I began to…

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