Seth Rogen On Fighting Cannabis Stigma And Why Pot Should Be As Accepted As Beer


When actor Seth Rogen was growing up and smoking cannabis in Vancouver, he recalls there was a constant cloud of shame around the substance that still lingers.

“I smoke weed all day and every day and have for 20 years. For me, it’s like glasses or shoes. It’s something I need to navigate my life,” Rogen, the star of comedic hits like “Superbad” and “Pineapple Express,” told The Canadian Press over a video call on Thursday.

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“People have tried to make me feel shame about it over the years or have tried to make me seem like I’m weak or stupid for integrating it so completely into my life, but I’m almost 40 now, I’m married, I have a good job and I have just found that none of the stigmas I was told to be true are true.”

– Read the entire article at News.

THC University

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