The Pros and Cons of Living with Stoner Parents


Legalized weed means more parents are getting high out in the open in front of their kids. As kids get older, they start to notice how their parents can go from totally stressed out to mellow and chill. One day, the lightbulb goes on and you realize that you have stoner parents. What are the pros and cons of being an adult living with stoner parents? It all depends on your family dynamics.

The Best Things About Stoner Parents

As an adult child living at home, having stoner parents can be great. If your relationship is close enough to get high together, then you can share some fun times with them. Make sure the first time you get stoned with your parents isn’t awkward, and then it will be smooth sailing. It’s hard to bounce back from an uncomfortable family pot experience.

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Being comfortable around your parents when it comes to pot also opens up many other aspects of your relationship. You’ll be more comfortable confiding in them, and they’ll be more likely to treat you like an adult. Getting high with your parents can be a great bonding experience that moves your relationship into new places.

On a more practical note, parents often have more money for the good stuff. Hopefully they will share their stash with you and won’t raid yours too much. It’s not just the weed; it’s the munchies, too. There’s nothing better than someone else stocking the pantry with all the snacks.

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The Drawbacks

As much as being an adult child to pothead parents might sound great, the reality might not be all mellow and happy. Parents can make anything awkward. Some people just don’t have the kind of relationship within their family that allows for sharing a joint. Even though you know they’re getting high behind their closed bedroom door doesn’t mean that you’ll want to share that experience with them.

Parents that are baked all the time can lose credibility. You’re trying to get your life straightened out while they’re sparking up, yet again. It can be frustrating. Even adult kids don’t want to feel like they have to parent their parents.

Stoner parents are more likely to get stoned like they did in their childhood, so that means more smoke, less vape, and fewer edibles. If you’re sensitive to smoke, you might be coughing your way to finding your own place.

It All Comes Down to Family Dynamics

Whether you love it or dread it when your parents are stoned all comes down to your family dynamics. Some parents look forward to their kids reaching the age of majority and being able to share their first legal toke with them. Other families just don’t roll like that. If you wouldn’t get drunk with your parents, then you probably wouldn’t want to get stoned with them.

As long as everyone respects each other’s preferences, living with stoner parents can be tolerable and even enjoyable. If they drive you nuts, then it’s time to start looking for your own place. Click here for more details.

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