5 Things To Know Before Going On A Road Trip


This holiday season a lot of people are counting on road trips. While flights are easier, rising numbers of COVID-19 cases are keeping people grounded, especially since the holidays are expected to be spent with loved ones who might be at a higher risk if exposed to COVID-19.

While road trips come with some risks, they expose people much less than an airplane would. If passengers aboard a car are safe when stepping out at gas stations and food stops, there’s no reason why they won’t make it someplace else without having exposed anyone in the meantime. Still, there are some factors that should be accounted for prior to making that decision.

Make sure your car is okay

Before hitting the road, it’s important to conduct a thorough inspection of your car. Stopping to repair a flat tire is not ideal when traveling during the holidays and amidst a pandemic. Make sure your car is up to date in oil change, battery check and tire rotation. Depending on where you live, you should also account for snow chains, new tires, or snow brushes.

Pack all of your safety resources

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Your car should also have jumper cables, windshield wiper fluid and a tire pressure gauge. You can also invest in some flashlights, car phone chargers, face masks, water and some snacks, that way you can minimize the amount of stops you make on your trip, which drain you of time and energy.

Expect weird weather

When driving, you can be exposed to all sorts of weird and stressful weather, like rain or snowstorms. While you should look up the weather ahead of time, sometimes it can’t be accurately predicted. If unexpected weather does appear, don’t rush to your destination and consider making a stop in a parking lot or a rest area.

Follow up on COVID-19 guidelines

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Photo by Vera Davidova via Unsplash

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The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is advising for people to stay at home throughout Thanksgiving and the holidays. Still, depending on their situation, people will make their own plans. If you’re choosing to travel, it’s important to pack face masks, hand sanitizer and sanitizer wipes in order to wipe down gas pumps and other high touch surfaces along the road. When making a pit stop, it’s important to keep 6 feet of distance amongst yourself and others, to wear face masks, and more.

Sleep, sleep, sleep

The main piece of advice anyone can get before a road trip is to be well rested. If you have enough sleep, you’re much more likely to face challenges like traffic and unexpected weather with a better outlook.

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