Why You Should Always Say YES to Hosting an Exchange Student


Exchange student with host sibling

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Rickett Family with exchange student

THC University
Quickly, she was no longer just an exchange student, she was a member of our family.”

— Kayla Rickett

PORTLAND, OREGON, UNITED STATES, December 4, 2020 /EINPresswire.com/ — Education Travel & Culture is always looking for host families. Yes, even through the pandemic. Our students are resilient and still want to spend their year abroad to learn a new culture, spread love and make a new family. January 2021 starts off a new season for us with about 30 students coming for the semester. Hear from one of our families and why they suggest you should always say YES to hosting!

“I have always wanted a daughter, always. But god blessed me with the two, most precious boys I’ve ever laid eyes on. And then one night, my insomnia-induced Facebook browsing led me to a decision that has changed my life, for the better, forever.

I seen a post in a Facebook group about hosting an exchange student that peaked my interest. I had went to high school with a few and had the best experience seeing my home town and high school through somebody else’s eyes. So I talked with Nathan (my husband) and we both agreed, why not give it a shot?

I requested more information on hosting a student and the next morning (mind…

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