Ireland Basinger Baldwin On Mental Health And Creativity: ‘Cannabis Completely Bulldozes My Insecurities’


In these last years, we have seen an increasing amount of information arounnd the wonderful benefits of cannabis come out.

As explained by Natalya M. Kogan and Raphael Mechoulam back in 2007, “Numerous diseases, such as anorexia, emesis, pain, inflammation, multiple sclerosis, neurodegenerative disorders (Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, Tourette’s syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease), epilepsy, glaucoma, osteoporosis, schizophrenia, cardiovascular disorders, cancer, obesity, and metabolic syndrome-related disorders, to name just a few, are being treated or have the potential to be treated by cannabinoid agonists/antagonists/cannabinoid-related compounds.”

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Cannabis science has evolved a lot since, with researchers now suggesting cannabis and cannabinoids can not only treat physical conditions, but psychological ones as well.

– Read the entire article at Benzinga.

THC University

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