5 Winning Food And Cannabis Combos


The cannabis plant has literally come out of the closet and become acceptable to talk about. Combine that with something else people like to talk about (food!) and you can’t lose!

As a nutritionist and the co-founder of the Holistic Cannabis Academy, I get asked a lot of unsolicited questions about food and cannabis. After all, we imbue all of our social interactions with food. As a society, we have become intrigued with food and everything that pertains to it including cooking and, of course, my favorite topic — nutrition.

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Cannabis is a great conversation starter for so many reasons. For one, it’s not federally legal, yet it’s legalized by individual states for medical or adult use (recreational) purposes in more than half the country. And, of course, the plant has literally come out of the closet, so cannaphobia is mitigated and it has become acceptable to talk about the plant. Combine talking about food and cannabis and you have a winning combination!

– Read the entire article at The Fresh Toast.

THC University

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