How To Use Marijuana In Ways That Are Eco-Friendly


Cannabis isn’t normally associated with environmental dangers; on the contrary, it’s an activity that’s long been associated with the good things that come from the earth. Now that we’re all more aware of the threat of global warming, large percentages of people are looking for ways of helping out the environment in any way they can, be that by recycling or by reducing the amount of energy they use.

When it comes to cannabis, there are a few things conscious consumers can do in order to be more mindful of the environment and to truly know where their product is coming from. Here’s how to use marijuana in ways that are environmentally conscious:

Avoid baggies and recycle bottles

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Packaging is an issue with most consumer products. When it comes to cannabis, one of the perks of legalization is the increased use of glass containers and the disregard of plastic, one of the most difficult elements for the environment to process. Whenever possible, go for glass containers, since these can be washed and repurposed. Once you’re done with them, make sure to recycle them in your nearest dispensary or by ensuring that your community recycles glass and dropping them in your recycling bin.

Buy organic

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Cannabis remains federally illegal, meaning that organic certification isn’t available. Still. certifications like Clean Green and Sun+Earth are some of the equivalents to organic certification and were developed by growers and activists who want to farm and grow products in ways that are least harmful to the environment.

Know who grows your weed

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One of the biggest issues with black market weed is the fact that there’s no regulation process behind the growth of this product, which at times can contain synthetic pesticides and can harm wildlife and water supplies. Legal marijuana businesses often have to enroll in energy saving programs, which lower their energy usage, and have to limit the amount of toxic elements that they use. This is better for the planet; supporting these programs is one of the most straightforward ways of making these kinds of businesses thrive.

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