CBD Benefits For Pets – Green Wellness Life


Pets and CBD

Many of us use CBD daily as a supplement to help us with recurrent problems. What if we could do the same with our pets? Well, as surprising as it may be, there are more similarities between humans and pets (when it comes to CBD) than one would first assume. For example, did you know that your pet has a similar endocannabinoid system to the one found in your body? Or that many pet owners report seeing improvement in their pet’s anxiety, seizures, and inflammation while using full-spectrum hemp products? Here at Green Wellness Life, we believe in informed decisions and using all available knowledge to better our lives and the lives of our pets. 

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Your pet’s endocannabinoid system

Just like the human body, the body of your cat or dog has an endocannabinoid system. In fact, ECS are widespread in mammals, and your pet is no exception. However, despite the knowledge that most mammals possess an ECS, little else is known about how they function in animals commonly interacted with in our daily lives. Currently (and understandably), most research into animal ECS focuses on canines. We really want to know more about man’s best friend!

But hold on. If we don’t know that much about the ECS in other mammals, how can we be confident using supplementary CBD? There was a key word in that question that clues us into how we can supplement the diets of our furry friends safely: mammals. Humans are mammals, just like dogs and cats, and our ECS works the same way, chemically. Therefore, with a little caution, we can infer that supplementary CBD will act on the system in a similar manner. We will have to do this until more studies on mammalian ECS are published. 

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Full-Spectrum vs Broad Spectrum vs Isolate

Most anecdotes from pet owners (and many veterinarians) state that full-spectrum products work best with their pets. While CBD isolate products will have some effect (and are better for anxiety in pets), the entourage effect from multiple cannabinoids found within full-spectrum products is best suited to interact with your pet’s ECS.

That doesn’t mean that a full spectrum product is always the best fit for you and your pet. The same reasons a person would take a broad spectrum tincture, your pet might want to do the same. Broad spectrum pet tinctures can be beneficial when trying to find similar benefit to a full spectrum product but without those trace amounts of THC. The Social CBD pet tinctures are a higher strength, 750mgs, to account for the likely increase in serving size to find the same benefit.

Moreover, isolate tinctures may be more beneficial when addressing a pet’s anxiety or looking for mood stabilization. Medterra Pets CBD tinctures are an isolate and also 750mgs to account for the likely higher serving size needed to find benefit similar to a full spectrum product. Just keep in mind that isolates are for your pet’s anxiety, and full-spectrum products are for your pet’s inflammation, pain, and also mood with broad spectrum pet products being somewhere in the middle.

Tips on how to best help your pet

Before taking any action, talk to your veterinarian. While they may not be as informed on how CBD can help your pet, asking them questions about your pet’s body and how it functions can never be a bad thing. In the process of learning more about your pet, your veterinarian may decide to look into CBD to see what the potential benefits are! Here are some tips to keep in mind when helping your pet with CBD:

  1. Ensure you are using a high-quality product.
  2. Administer CBD to the gums or inner ear for best absorption. Placing the CBD oil on food if your pet isn’t a good eater will not allow for the greatest absorption level, therefore, decreasing the best result.
  3. Monitor your pet closely and record the effects in a journal. Even if there are small differences, you will be more likely to notice them if they are written down.
  4. Consult with an expert or veterinarian who has experience in the field.

Pretty simple, right? 

 Just keep in mind that your pet has a system like yours. If you wouldn’t put it in your body, then why would you give it to your pet? I have found that this is one of the easiest rules to follow regarding CBD for pets. In fact, most CBD products for pets have been rated for humans as well (I say this as I shamelessly think of the CBD peanut butter in my pantry that was manufactured for dogs. I don’t own a dog.). 


We all love our pets. If you have an issue and you’re unsure of whether or not CBD can help, feel free to contact us. We would love to help out a fellow pet-owner, especially in our area of expertise. Even if your pet is doing great and has no issues whatsoever, we would still love to see cute photos of your dog or cat (or other) on our social media accounts! 

As always, If you’d like to learn more or have additional questions, press the live chat button, call us at (888) 772-7875 (M-F, 9 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., EST), or fill out our online contact form. We cannot wait to see you and your furry friend!

About Hannah Laing

Hannah LaingHannah has been working in the hemp industry and at Green Wellness Life for 2 years. She was diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis in 2017 and received a second Fibromyalgia diagnosis in 2018. The Grand Valley State University student is currently studying health communications and is dedicated to educating and promoting health and wellness.

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