What To Do With An Old Trump Flag? We Have Some Suggestions


The glorious time has come for all Trump supporters to lower their flags. The tacky blue and mythical propaganda has stained our neighborhoods for four long years, and it’s finally time to put it to rest.

As you’d expect your Trumpet neighbors to begrudgingly take down their beloved decorations, many have not. Flying a Trump 2020 flag in 2021 seems idiotic, but believe us when we say many are still doing it: 

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##TRUMP ##MAGA it’s time to put the flags away

♬ original sound – loudnewsnet

So if your neighbors are like mine and are afraid of wasting some quality synthetic fabric made in Bangledesh, you can now offer them some handy alternatives to throwing it in the trash!

If we’re lucky, this could also help us avoid a home decor movement of tasteless shadow boxes.

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Use The Flag As A Rag

We can’t knock this tried-and-true method: use the flag as a rag! You can always suggest to your Trump-supporting neighbors that they simply reuse their old, worn-out flag as an eco-friendly cleaning tool!

Why waste time at the supermarkets buying paper towels that you’ll plow through within the week? Simply grab some clothe you’re no longer using, such as an old flag, and go to town!

You can even suggest they cut up their old Trump flags into tiny squares to really maximize its every use!

Use It To Fix Your Pipes

If you want to pitch this method, you’ve got to strike up a friendly conversation with your recently heartbroken Trump-supporting neighbors. I know, this can be difficult to do with their kind, and to be quite honest, I’m not sure if their IQs are capable.

However, if you’re really down for the cause, you’ve got to make some small talk with them. Eventually, you’ve got to lead the conversation towards topics regarding home improvement.

If you can, ask about their pipes. Even if they aren’t currently deteriorating and causing issues, you can still pitch this method. As I like to say: this is a lawless land.

That’s when you go for the kill. Really put the cherry on top of the cake and attempt to demonstrate to them how to tie their Trump flags tightly around a pipe-shaped object.

Besides, aren’t they tired of shopping for expensive products that plug leaks, and are Made In China?

Recycle The Textiles

If you think your Trump-supporting neighbors will also care about how to help the environment, you should definitely suggest this method.

Now, they can do their part in aiding the environment! All they’ll need to do is donate their old, useless flag to a textile recycling outlet. You can even suggest this website to help them find their nearest textile recycling outlet!

Don’t they want to give their old flag a new purpose? It could become so many things! Its textiles could even be used to turn into the new president’s flag which you’ll never see in his supporter’s yards because they’re not a bunch of weirdos!

The Bottom Line

So, if you really want to help out your Trump-supporting neighbors in their time of grief, be sure to pitch some of these suggestions. They may not be receptive at first, but they might come around if you show them how genuine and kind you are.

Either way, you’ll get a good laugh out of it, and I think we all need it after these past four grueling years.

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