How to Make Cannabis Oil? An Easy Recipe from Loud


Trying to figure out how to make cannabis oil can be an overwhelming task. There are so many methods and industrialized processes that finding a simple method is often difficult. That’s where Loud News Net comes in. So let’s get down to it!

What is Cannabis Oil?

Cannabis oil is a mixture made of cooking oil (e.g., coconut or olive oil) and parts of the cannabis plant.

See the best guide for how to grow weed fast the dankest pot on Earth for beginners or advanced tips and tricks for growing marijuana.

A commercial cannabis oil product will have a THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) concentration of at least 0.3%. That’s a minimum. Most cannabis oils you’ll find at your local dispensary will be higher than 50% THC. 

Now that we’re talking oils let’s be clear – cannabis oil is a totally different arena than CBD oil. CBD is not psychoactive and is derived from the hemp plant. In addition to being a cannabis plant, hemp is modified so it does not have any THC compounds. CBD oil and other CBD products must contain less than 0.3% THC in order to be sold. So don’t expect to get blazed ingesting CBD oil. Regardless seems like everyone has a CBD line of products and recipes.

THC University

What is the difference between Cannabis and CBD oil

There are many benefits to CBD oil, especially for people who don’t want a product with THC. Like CBD oils, cannabis oil has quite a few health benefits and is a potent substance for your well-being and health.

Easy Peasy Cannabis Oil Recipe


  • 1 cup cannabis flower (adjust for potency)
  • 1 cup of your preferred cooking oil

You can increase or decrease the amounts in this canna oil recipe but the key is maintaining a 1:1 ratio between the cannabis plant materials and the cooking oil.

Consider flavor preferences as well as what you plan to cook when choosing the right oil for infusion. You should be aware that different oils will have different consistencies at room temperature, so keep this in mind when storing and using your oil.

Coconut oil, as well as olive oil, are both very popular choices. Olive oil that has been infused with weed will likely be runny and thin while coconut oil will likely remain solid at room temperature. Also, worth noting that some cooking oils are better suited to be used as a topical than others. For example, coconut oil infused with cannabis can be a very effective THC topical.


  • Grinder – You have to break down the cannabis flower. Seems obvious. 
  • A slow-cooker, saucepan or crock-pot 
  • A strainer, cheesecloth, or milk nut bag

The Process

  • Step 1: Break apart and grind the cannabis flower. You can make your oil by including only the flower, only the entire flower, or both. Don’t grind it too fine though, as any small cannabis particle could slip through the strainer you use at the end of this cannabis oil cooking process.
  • Step 2: Ingredients should be combined and cooked together in a slow cooker, crock-pot, or saucepan for a few hours on low or warm. By doing this, it is possible to decarboxylate (activate the THC) without destroying the plant’s active components. We recommend adding water to the mixture to prevent burning, and the temperature of the oil should never exceed 245°F. Depending on your cooking vessel, the process will vary at this point.
    • If using a crock-pot, you’ll want to set it to low and cook for 4-6 hours. Stir occasionally.
    • If using a saucepan to cook the cannabis oil, cook for 3 hours on low. Don’t forget to stir frequently to avoid burning and scorching.
  • Step 3: Strain the cannabis oil. If using a cheesecloth we don’t advise squeezing. You can toss the rest of the remaining plant material once the cannabis oil is strained.
  • Step 4: Store the goods. The next major factor to take into account Cannabis-infused oil is a food product, so it should be treated as such and you will want to keep it refrigerated to maximize the shelf-life. If you’re making a large amount batch of oil, this is particularly important to keep in mind.  Depending on the amount of oil you produce it will last at least 3 months before it spoils.

How to Use Cannabis Oil

cooking with cannabis oilSo congratulations, you just learned how to make cannabis oil! Now what? 

Well, there a ton of ways to consume the oil you produced. One thing we suggest is not dosing more than you can handle. Be safe and know your dosage. 

Once you’re comfortable with the dosage the best way to utilize the oil you made is through cooking. Depending on the oil you use, you can use it for baking, cooking, or just a THC addition to your morning smoothie.

There are many recipes for complex edibles and baked goods. But if you use olive oil, you can use it to simply saute some vegetables for dinner or add to a salad. 

Some oils can be directly ingested or used as topicals to ease pain and reduce inflammation. We aren’t doctors so check with professionals before relying solely on the oil you cooked.

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