Monson cannabis growing facility Holistic Industries faces mold problems – Cannabis Business Executive


MONSON — Holistic Industries is battling a mold problem at a marijuana growing facility here that supplies cannabis to recreational and medical retailers.

Reacting to complaints from employees, the Monson Board of Health has called for an immediate inspection of the 96 Palmer Road facility, in concert with state regulators.

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The mold infestation has not compromised the safety of the plants, said Holistic in a statement to The Republican.

“No products were sold that did not meet state regulations,” the company stated. “We did have some complaints about product that had a ‘different’ smell. Once we identified mold was present in our facility, but had not compromised the safety of the plants, we assumed some of the facility smell transferred to product or packaging. This is when we proactively added the extra QA (quality assurance) processes of sensory and visual inspections, pulling any batches that did not meet our standards.”

THC University

The company, which has retail operations in Easthampton and Springfield, added that it was “aware of any and all obligations, if any, to report this to our partner state agencies and are taking the appropriate steps.”

“It’s important to note that federal safety agencies, such as (Occupation Safety and Health Administration) and the (Centers for Disease Control), have not identified a level of mold for any building that is ‘safe’ or ‘unsafe’. Further, we consulted with environmental science experts and have been assured that the mold in our facility does not pose a human health hazard.” [Read More @ MassLive]

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