How Working Out With Weed Can Help Ward Off Unwanted Holiday Weight


For those of you who don’t consider yourselves gym junkies, working out can be a chore to be avoided at all costs. However, as the holidays inch closer, gaining unwanted holiday weight is inevitable without a plan for staying active.

Unbeknownst to many, cannabis could be the missing ingredient to a fulfilling holiday season with the perfect balance of activity and indulgence. Here’s how.

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Photo by Alexander Redl via Unsplash

Weed Can Lead To Longer Workouts

One reason many people shy away from working out is because they’re dealing with nagging injuries and ailments. When those who are suffering from these types of conditions decide to make the leap and head to the gym for a workout, it’s not uncommon for them to have to conclude their workouts earlier than originally intended.

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One key way cannabis helps us get rid of extra holiday pounds is by making it easier to overcome injuries due to the plant’s anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps enhance muscle relaxation and alters our perception of time.

Weed Can Help Motivate You To Work Out

Another reason why working out is easier said than done is because, in many cases, people simply aren’t motivated to move. Although many don’t associate cannabis with motivation, some anecdotal research shows that cannabis is effective in helping to provide us with the necessary push to get to the gym.

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In a 2019 study published in the journal Frontiers in Public Health, more than half of respondents surveyed claimed that working cannabis into their exercise regimen helped motivate them to work out. In addition, 70% of these same survey respondents also claimed that cannabis makes their workouts more enjoyable.

Weed Can Help You Recover After Workouts

Along with not being able to find the motivation to work out, another obstacle that keeps people from exercising is how it makes people feel afterwards. Think about it. Why would anyone work out when it makes them feel horrible the next day? Fortunately, people who suffer from soreness after working out can rely on CBD products to help them recover.

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According to scientists, the compound is so effective in helping people recover from workouts due to the anti-inflammatory, antioxidative properties. So, the next time you’re dreading your workout because of how you’ll feel after, grab some CBD oil or gummies!

There’s no question that working out can be a daunting task, but staying active is key to keeping those holiday pounds at bay. Among the many resources that are available for helping people to overcome the inevitable weight that comes with the holiday season, cannabis probably isn’t an obvious choice. As the holidays approach, keeping this in mind can help you stay healthy while still enjoying your favorite holiday goodies.

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