Getting High On The Job And Other Ways The Tech Community Is Embracing Weed


There aren’t many industries that have been more welcoming to the cannabis community than tech. And the industry’s adoption of cannabis couldn’t have come at a better time.  

Because cutting edge technology has been crucial in connecting cannabis brands and products with their consumers while meeting expectations of regulators, it’s only natural to wonder how accepting employees in the tech industry are about the substance itself. Some of the signs that indicate an increasing level of acceptance of cannabis may surprise you. 

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Only 5-6% Private Sector Cybersecurity Companies Drug Test For Cannabis

In recent years, the FBI has had trouble selecting the best and brightest talent in the cybersecurity space due to their restrictive drug testing regulations. Private sector companies on the search for the best talent in the cybersecurity world don’t have the same problem given the fact that they don’t drug test nearly as much.

Photo by Jefferson Santos via Unsplash

RELATED: The FBI Can’t Hire Hackers Because They All Use Marijuana

THC University

Former FBI Director James Comey claimed in a partially-joking manner that part of the problem when it came to hiring for cybersecurity roles was that “some of these kids want to smoke weed on the way to the interview.” That serves as  a big indication that some of the employees who prevent data from being stolen from some of our favorite brands are likely big cannabis enthusiasts.

Amazon No Longer Tests For Cannabis And Supports Federal Legalization

Being one of the biggest and most valuable tech brands on the planet today, Amazon is responsible for starting trends. From grocery delivery, to one-day shipping the brand has introduced numerous transformative changes.

The next major shift the online marketplace could be responsible for is doing away with drug testing for weed. As of June of 2021, the company declared that as a result of changing cannabis laws throughout the nation that they would no longer drug test for cannabis.

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Additionally, the company announced that their public policy team will actively support the passage of the Marijuana Opportunity Reinvestment and Expungement (MORE) Act. If more companies follow Amazon’s lead, cannabis drug testing will no longer serve as a barrier of entry to long, fulfilling tech careers.

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Nearly 1 In 5 Tech Workers Got High On The Job Before The Pandemic

What’s potentially the biggest indicator of the tech industry’s acceptance of cannabis is the fact that employees have grown increasingly comfortable using it on the job. According to a poll conducted in 2019, 17% of tech workers used cannabis on the job for numerous reasons, ranging from making it easier to deal with coworkers to coping with daily responsibilities.

Since the poll was taken before the pandemic caused millions of employees to work from home, left to their own devices, it’s fair to question how much that number has increased. It should also be taken into consideration that additional states such as New York and Virginia have legalized recreational cannabis use which likely inflates that number, too.

Frankly, with all things considered, it may be fair to assume that tech is one of the most cannabis-friendly industries to work in.

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