Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Cannabis Research While Federally Illegal?

What “Legit” Research Can We Do While Cannabis Is STILL Federally Illegal? Layers of control keep cannabis TIGHTLY shackled and behind bars. America’s federal...

Should You Be A Cannabis Activist If You Have A Family?

There are many cannabis activists doing great things for the legalization movement in the United States. These activists have made a noticeable impact...
See the best guide for how to grow weed fast the dankest pot on Earth for beginners or advanced tips and tricks for growing marijuana.

DEA Fog “Clarification” Of Hemp Extract Legality

On January 13th, 2017 the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) issued the drug code 7350, a new drug code for marijuana extract that went...

Prohibitions Influence On The Legal System

It’s no secret that the US 1920’s ALCOHOL PROHIBITION did NOT work at all! For those thirteen years, vast amounts of wealth were...
THC University

National Cannabis Legalization Update

2017 is coming to a close and there are more than a handful of states that currently allow for the legal purchase and...

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